Adjusting Digital Images And Card Sizes, Using Just Your Printer

CHANGING YOUR PRINT SETTINGS - Adjusting card sizes to make smaller or larger cards. 

Many think that digital card kits sold on sites like our sponsor, CraftsÜprint need special software to resize the card, to make either a smaller or larger card. For example, you may see a lovely card design online but it's been made as an 8" card, way too big for your needs. Instead of buying unnecessary software to resize each element of that card kit, you can simply use your computer's print settings to adjust the entire kit with one simple adjustment.

As you print, a screen will come up so you can click the "print" button. There is also an "options" button that will open up alternative settings that can be adjusted, including an option to resize your image. Don't worry, adjusting settings and that button won't bite! 

Each computer and software will possibly have different options in this menu, in different places but there will be a section to "adjust" or "resize" the image or page you want to print. By simply adding the percentage numbers listed below,you can reduce or enlarge a card size to suit your needs and could even save you on postage, all in the one place, without the need for complex photo editing software. 

If you find the size conversion you want to make missing, please let me know in the comments or use this contact form and I'll make the calculations for you and add it to the post.

To convert an 8 inch square, original card base size:
•To reduce to a 6" card base, print at 72%. Gives you base layer of 5.76"

•For a 5.5" card base, print at 65.5%. Gives a base layer of 5.24"

•For a 5" card base, print at 62.5%
Gives a base layer of 5" exactly.

To resize an original card base sized at half A4 page card down to a 7" card, print at 84.5%

Alternatively, to enlarge a 6" card up to 8", print at 133% for 7.98" or 134% for 8.04".

Don't forget, if you have any questions or problems, please reach out and leave a comment below. We will will reply as soon as we can. Or, if you're a little shy, you're welcome to contact us using the contact form for a more private chat via email.


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